Graduation Photoshoots 2021

Package 1 | “The Graduate” $200

 2 outfit. 1hour max

 Basic Props.

 Shots featuring our Royal Throne in 1 of 2 outfits.

 Digitals, 4– wallets , 1 -5x7

Package 2 | “Deluxe Graduate” $300

 3 outfits. 2hour max

 Basic Props.

 Cap & Gown Photo.

 “2021” balloons.

 Shots featuring our Royal Throne in 2 of 3 outfits.

Digitals, 8 – wallets , 2 -5x7, 1 - 8x10

Package 3 | Group Shoot $60/person (3 person minimum)

Have a fun shoot with your best friends to commemorate your college experience. Up to 6 people.

 2 outfits.

 “2021” or “school acronym“ balloons.

 Basic Props.

 Digitals, 4 - wallets for each, as well as a Keepsake photo book for each participant.

Cap and Gown shots can be added for $20/person

Fill out this form to get information on booking shoots.

**Please feel free to bring any greek, athletic, honor stoles and or paraphilia to shoot**

Photo shoot Basic Props

·     Foam finger

·     UIUC flag

·     Stole of Gratitude

·     Mock Degree Holder·      

·     Letter Board Sign

Throne Chair featured: “All White Everything” Royal Throne

Spring Semester 2021:


University of Illinois at Springfield | TBD

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | TBD

Southern University Edwardsville | TBD

Other Campuses Available Upon Request

Fall Semester 2021: